Most RVs come with propane powered stove tops and ovens.  While the stove top can be pretty simple to operate and light, the oven pilot can be a little more tedious.  Here are some tips below to help walk you through the process.  

Ignite The Pilot On A Suburban Stovetop and Oven  


Step 1: Lighting the stovetop  

  • Ensure your propane tanks are filled and on.

  • Turn your desired burner knob on and turn the igniter knob until the chosen burner ignites. 

    Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 7.59.43 AM.png

  • The flame should be a crisp blue flame.  If it is orange and poppy, you will want to run it for a few seconds until air has escaped from the line providing the crisp blue flame. 

  • This same process will help evacuate air anytime you just refilled the LP system or recently removed the unit from storage.  

Step 2: Light Pilot Light For Oven  

  • You should always light the stovetop first to ensure you have evacuated any air in the LP system.   
  • Open the oven door and locate where the pilot is.
    Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 7.57.17 AM.png 
  • Have a long stem lighter ready and available to light near the pilot.  
  • Turn your oven knob to the pilot on, you have to push down on the knob when lighting the pilot.  Do not release immediately. 

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  • After lighting the pilot, hold down the knob for 10-15 seconds to allow the thermocouple to sense the pilot is lit.  

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  • Turn the oven knob to the desired temperature. 
  • Allow to reach temp and cook. 
  • When complete turn the oven knob off and ensure the pilot light is out.  

For a better understanding of how to manually retract your RV Slide check out this video: 

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